
“This is insane!” Kevin shouted as he followed April, his coworker and best friend, struggling to catch up to her. “Listen to me goddamnit.”

From the very moment I was walking on dark-hided street, smelling like piles of garbage of fish' I could see some features shivering with tears and doing something.

April turned her dazzling blue eyes at Kevin. Sapphire blue, with just a hint of emerald green. Like the oceans in the Caribbean, he had thought to himself. Those eyes were the reason why he had agreed to this madness. A data chip containing all of Transtar’s experiments, and he was too stupid to see what she wanted to do…. “Why should I listen to you?” April replied, her voice dripping with contempt. “You knew all along. You knew that Transtar was using Russian convicts for human experiments. And to think… I trusted you, Kevin.” She reached her office, angrily shoving aside a startled technician fixing the lights, while trying to find her keycard from her purse. Kevin watched her hands tremble.

I suddenly felt butterflies on my stomach and not knowing that I was also shivering, finally I came in front of the creature

“Listen April, the Russian convicts volunteered. What we did wasn’t, and never will be brought to court.” The words sounded wrong even as they left his lips. Kevin put his shaky hands into his lab coat.

With my cold hand, I hesitantly found my flashlight in my pocket. As soon as I was trying to lit the light, one woman shouted

“No, it won’t. But nobody would ever buy Transtar products when this goes public. The idea that they ‘volunteered’ is a sham Kevin, and you know it. Nobody would refuse warm bed and food, not when they are in a Russian gulag in Siberia.” April finally managed to get the door open. She tried to shut it behind her, but Kevin managed to slip past. She sat down on her chair, breathing heavily. For a second, they were silent while staring at each other. Finally, she asked. “Why?”

I could do nothing but vomit a bit. I felt so weak. I needed help.

Kevin didn’t answer at first. But then he replied, “The cure for cancer, April. The Holy Grail. I spent 20 years trying to find it. It was my life’s work. But I could live with failure. Until six months ago.” Kevin palmed his locket, and opened the cover. A picture of a beautiful woman stood inside. She stood smiling, holding a baby tight between her arms. Sally, and my baby girl, Tessa. “Genetic… conditions, make both of them very susceptible to cancer. Sally has been lying in a bed at Johns Hopkins for more than a year now. Stage four. And her time is almost up.”

Please.... My stomach hurt so much... But he replied "Get out. It's closed."

April stared at Kevin. Some of the icy fire seemed to have left her blue eyes. “Is that why you agreed to the experiments? All the concessions you made to Transtar?”

"But sir.... Please give me at least some sort of treatment...”

“All of it.” He whispered. “Director Yu, he promised that my family will get the first working cure, as long as I can succeed. I will do whatever I can to save my family. I… just need more time. Please.”

None of my business. Shoo!". So here I am, painfully wrinching my stomach, desperatly needing help, shivering on the road.

April began to open her mouth, but suddenly the door slid open. Transtar security personnel began to flood into the office, pointing their guns at the two, while one of them knocked April to the ground and cuffed her. “Director Black, Director of Marketing, you have violated article 6 of your corporate confidentiality contract. You will be detained and handled accordingly.”

Her face turned blood white. April began to thrash around as if her life depended on it, and she was right. Article 6 carried the death penalty. “Kevin!” She screamed. “Don’t let them take me away. Oh please please plea-“One of the men brought the butt of his pistol to her forehead. She dropped silently, as blood splattered the cold white tiles.

But there was a stray cat. It looked at me with its glowing tabby eyes, and then walked to a narrow alley with its tail in the air, and runs into dark-hided street.

“I’m sorry, April.” Kevin whispered. His hand left his coat pocket, in which a phone had transmitted everything to Transtar Security. Anything for my family.


  1. I enjoyed seeing how you write, adding recognizable references here and there and overall superb with the command of English. The story in normal font was easy to follow and comprehend, and the story itself was also quite nice. But I did have a bit of a hard time connecting between the main text and the text that was spliced in, and honestly I still don't see a clear connection. But great writing! I love it!

  2. I agree with Scott above. I'm curious to know where you got the spliced in stuff, as I'm not sure it's very useful for anything at all, let alone complementing what you have in this story. Even the Imgur one had a lot of potential. Anyways, as Scott said, great writing and great outer story. My instinct says the innner story should be something from the man's daughter or wife - showing how desperate he is. So, is this metafiction? Almost, but again, the spliced in stuff basically is a distraction that takes away rather than adds to the story.


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